

1. Familiarize your bird with an object.

2. Show them either your hand (or a pole like shown on the left) in which they would put the object in.

3. Demonstrate how to do it a few times.

4. Give your bird the object and let them try it.

5. Be patient! Each bird is different.


1. Familiarize your bird with an object you want them to follow.

2. Give them a treat every time they get close to it.

3. Give them a treat every time they touch it (even accidentally).

4. Move the object around, increasing distance every time, and give them a treat each time they follow it and touch it.


1. Use a treat to lure your bird into a circle and have them follow it. If they follow it, reward them.

2. Do the circle with increasing speed and give your pet the treat when they turn.


1. Familiarize your bird with the object.

2. Show them how to put it into place.

3. Let them try it.

4. Move it further away from the spot as you go.


1. Talk to your bird everyday.

2. Repeat a word or phrase when doing so.

3. Be patient.


1. Familiarize your bird with the object.

2. Hold your hand up and say “drop it”.

3. If they do, give them a treat. If they don’t, wait for them to drop it and give them a treat.

4. Repeat the process.


1. Familiarize your bird with the carrot.

2. Give them a treat when they touch it (even if my accident).

3. Then, give them the treats when they pull it out (or even half-way).

4. Repeat the process.