TABLE OF CONTENTSPARROT CARE 1. Cage – What type and size of cage should I get for my parrot? 2. Perches – What types of perches should I get? 3. Food – What should I feed and not feed my parrot? 4. Toys – What types of toys does your feathered friend need and how many? 5. Mess – What should I use to clean the cage and how? 6. Noise – Am I okay with noise? 7. Veterinarian – Why should I have a veterinarian and how often should I go? 8. Other Pets – I have other pets, so should I get a parrot? 9. Safety – What safety precautions should I take? 10. Time – How much time do I need to spend with my parrot and how? 11. Patience – Why is having patience important? 12. Symptoms of a Sick Bird – What are some symptoms that can notify me when my bird is potentially sick and what should I do when one (or more) occurs or appears?