
April 2021

April 10th, 2021


Mika came home today, and I found out that she was 106 grams. She was as scared as Bluey and Pear on their first day. Bluey still liked me while Mika seemed to hate him when he gets too close, and Pear slept next to her on the cage.

April 12th, 2021

Bluey and Pear kept on fighting over food with Mika, and she even fell and hurt her foot on the bottom of the cage. Because of that, we used a cleaned turtle tank and let her use it. There’s a flat bottom with paper towels.

April 14th, 2021

Mika’s foot improved! We got her a new cage and lined the bottom with newspaper so that even if she does fall, it wouldn’t hurt as much, and Bluey and Pear stayed in their original cage (together).

April 16th, 2021

Pear has been confusing me a ton. He lets Bluey do whatever he wants to the toy in front of them but bites Mika! He usually sings and dances to her but not when it comes to toys. 

Mika’s weight also dropped to 91 grams, which is a little concerning for me since I always see her eat millet (what she’s advised to eat for the first week at a new home), but maybe the other birds freaked her out too much.

April 18th, 2021

Bluey wanted to come back inside the house, but we were vaccuming at the time. They’d freak out if they did so; I brought a mirror out to put inside his cage along with Pear and Mika. Pear came over and knocked it out.

APRIL 20TH, 2021

Pear usually comes onto my leg with Bluey but always leaves Mika out!

APRIL 22nd, 2021


Despite Bluey constantly biting Mika’s crest or tail whenever he has the chance to and Pear shooing her away, Mika continues to do her everyday tasks and begins to settle in.

APRIL 24TH, 2021

10:00 A.M.: I am working on my computer with Bluey standing on it like how he does every day, but he began to throw up! He regurgirated twice before because he never had a girlfriend before (so he thinks I’m his mate), so I think it is just like that.

2:30PM: Bluey does it again though this time, he seems weaker; my heart races, thinking of the worst possibility. First, I put him on top of a heated mat because like humans, we, or at least I, drink soup and warm water when sick. 

I also put a mirror there to see if he’ll have any chance of acting like his former self again. He runs to his mirror but still looks weak.

When Pearl died, I remembered the powder that should have helped her but no one thought of it, so my mom and I grab him in a towel and feed him it (it was the only way unfortunately). I am not repeating the same forgotten mistake again.

His poop is watery, but I have been told that the sickness he contracts can be contagious. No vets near me are open for some reason, so it’s of fate and power only. I decide to help calm him down after isolating him in his carrier cage and sacrifice my inner strength and mind for him, nothing else. 

After half an hour, his poop thickens like his usual type, he drinks the fresh water I gave him, and he runs to his mirror! He isn’t sick anymore!

APRIL 26TH, 2021

Moment before disaster!

I saw Pear eating and wanted to see his reaction to a light tap of his food bowl; he opened his beak.

APRIL 28TH, 2021

Where’s da water?

There’s water in her cage but not in this tray yet, so she’s probably thirsty.

APRIL 30TH, 2021

Sleeping birdies!

Fun fact: Bluey pooped on Pear’s tail-

may 2021

May 2nd, 2021

With Mika around, Pear starts to get jealous of the attention, so we let him stay on to itch and preen.

MAY 4th, 2021

Mika’s outside friend, a dove, laid eggs! One hatched already.

MAY 6TH, 2021

I gave them some balls made of seeds and honey and saw that after Mika chewed them all open, Bluey came over and ate them. This really built their relationship with each other!

MAY 8TH, 2021

Pear pooped on the carpet after going on my arm, but he waddled over! Bluey does the same, some Pear probably learned it from him.

MAY 10TH, 2021

Today is the first day Mika goes outside in our backyard! She seems to love it.

MAY 12TH, 2021

Don’t film me eating! 

Bluey’s face looks adorable though.

MAY 14TH, 2021

Bluey is biting the mirror on the other side, but Pear looks annoyed.

MAY 16TH, 2021

Standing on the food bowl the opposite direction…

By the way, I have a bird memoir that’s in a series on Wattpad:

No, Mika isn’t going to be in this specific memoir, but she will come in in the second one! I’m updating this memoir every Saturday with three chapters per update!

I also have a YouTube channel with a video every Saturday:

MAY 18TH, 2021

Bluey: Should I wear this?

He didn’t seem to mind it.

MAY 20TH, 2021

Someone likes french fries!

P.S.: Don’t worry, I didn’t actually give him them.

MAY 22nd, 2021

Mika: This food is da best!

She likes to step in the bowl and poop in it, but isn’t she adorable?

MAY 24TH, 2021

Pear: Gotta give both Ava and Mika chances!

Even with Mika around, Pear still likes his mirror.

MAY 26TH, 2021

Mika: What’s in here?

MAY 28TH, 2021

Mika: Owner got pink braces to represent me! I wonder what color she’s going to do next time…

MAY 30TH, 2021

Pear: When life gives you lemons, turn them into lemonade!

June 2021

June 1st, 2021

The basketball toy was Bluey’s birthday present from when he turned one, but he loves to play and sleep with it.

JUNE 3rd, 2021

My parents and I upgraded our backyard! As pictured, there are two curtains that can act as a “room” separater, and although it’s not pictured, on the left, there’s my spot where I can sit and work.

JUNE 5th, 2021

Mika and Bluey are nice to each other and are eating!

JUNE 7th, 2021

Bluey: I learned how to do a flip on my own!

JUNE 9th, 2021

Pear: I’ve been told that I looked messy or that I was a flower! Eh, I don’t care much though because the vet said I’m healthy.

JUNE 11th, 2021

Mika: Food, please!

JUNE 13th, 2021

I got new glasses, and Bluey’s so violent with it! He even attempted to drop it on the floor! Perhaps it’s because of the gold outline or the lenses…

JUNE 15th, 2021

Pear is giving Mika a house tour, haha

JUNE 17th, 2021

This toy was from Christmas of last year! Even though I wasn’t here at that time yet, I can still celebrate it indirectly!

JUNE 19th, 2021

Bluey: I love broccoli and anything green!

JUNE 21st, 2021

Pear is okay with Bluey now for the most part

JUNE 23RD, 2021

Mika: Hey there! You have food?

JUNE 26th, 2021

Happy Third Birthday, Bluey! It’s also my birthday!

Bluey: I’d enjoy it more if Pear’s tail moved elsewhere…

JUNE 27TH, 2021

Look at how handsome he is!

Pear: Ava is so beautiful!

JUNE 29TH, 2021

Pear: Only I can have human, no one else.

July 2021

July 1st, 2021

Just chillin’

JULY 3rd, 2021

Me no like it…

JULY 5th, 2021

We have a feature humans don’t: Feathers!

JULY 7TH, 2021

Mika likes to step on lettuce and then eating it. Afterwards, she poops on the lettuce, forcing to me to take it out to give her another one.

JULY 9TH, 2021

Bluey: No watching me eat!

JULY 11TH, 2021

Pear: I want to go outside so bad, but owner says it’s too hot…

JULY 13TH, 2021

Mika: I’d love millet right now

JULY 15TH, 2021

Bluey: Ha, now whatever owner does to try and move her house, it wouldn’t work!

JULY 17TH, 2021

Pear: What do you want, owner? Can’t you see I’m busy with Ava over here?

JULY 19TH, 2021

Mika: Don’t you dare stop, owner!

JULY 21st, 2021

Bluey: Wait for me!

JULY 23rd, 2021

Pear: Who or what’s in here?

JULY 25TH, 2021

One of my friends’ birds came over, and this is Kiko, one of them

JULY 27TH, 2021

Here are the other birds 🙂

JULY 29TH, 2021

Pear: Play with me. Now.

JULY 31TH, 2021

Mika wants Pear to go on her back- It’s too early though. She’s only five months old!

August 2021

August 2nd, 2021

Bluey: Bye, Pear! I’m going to play with owner

AUGUST 4th, 2021

Pear: Standing with my buddy Bluey!

AUGUST 6th, 2021

Mika: I need to get on the ladder somehow…

AUGUST 8th, 2021

Bluey: I’m checking if you’re working

AUGUST 10th, 2021

Pear: I’m not plump. I’m just fluffy

AUGUST 12th, 2021

Mika: I’m the queen of these pictures!

AUGUST 14th, 2021

Angie came home! She’s already three years old (like Bluey) and is a caged bird, meaning that her previous owners never took her out. I’m excited to start taming her!

AUGUST 16th, 2021

Bluey: Although I have Angie, Pear is still a good friend!

AUGUST 18th, 2021

Pear: Hey! This is my friend, not yours (he’s referring to Felix)

AUGUST 20th, 2021

Mika: Eating with the boys! Angie keeps on biting me, but she’s on hooman’s computer right now

AUGUST 22nd, 20nd

Angie: Look at how beautiful I am!

AUGUST 24TH, 2021

Bluey: Sleeping in a somewhat shady place! Perfect temperature too!

AUGUST 26TH, 2021

Pear: Whatcha doin’?

AUGUST 28TH, 2021

Mika: What’s going on?! What is this new towel?

AUGUST 30TH, 2021

Angie: Bluey never lets anyone this close to him, except me! 🙂

September 2021

September 1st, 2021

Bluey: I know how to preen Angie!

SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2021

Pear: I’m just going to eat… 

SEPTEMBER 5th, 2021

We went to see ostriches today and fed them!

SEPTEMBER 7th, 2021

Angie: Mika is pretty chill…


Bluey: Sleepin’ with Angie! Yes, I’m very fluffy 🙂


Pear: Sometimes, I choose to rest on owner’s pillow for a while


Mika: All four of us together!


Angie: Bluey and I have very different feet positions, don’t we?


Bluey: Hi there! Pick me up please


Pear: I look cute, but I’m actually angry

SEPTEMBER 21st, 2021

Mika: I’m the best bird model out there!

SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2021

Angie: Blurry but I’m hanging out with Pear bear!


Bluey: Look at me with all this food! (note: I can’t eat most of them)


Pear: Ok, this time I’m actually happy 🙂


Mika: Hey there, hooman! Wha you want? 🙂

OctoBER 2021

October 1st, 2021

Angie: Me love target training 🙂

OCTOBER 3rd, 2021

Bluey: Owner started a club about animals, and this is from the first activity 🙂

OCTOBER 5th, 2021

Pear: I can be so close to Mika now!

OCTOBER 7th, 2021

Mika: Eek, what’s that?!


Angie: Owner tried this filter on me…

OCTOBER 11TH, 2021

Bluey: Seems like owner likes taking pictures of me sleeping

OCTOBER 13TH, 2021

Pear: Pick me up

OCTOBER 15TH, 2021

Mika: I love the sunlight! There was also lighting and a power outage yesterday…; it scared Bluey so much 🙁

OCTOBER 17TH, 2021

Angie: We’re standing pretty close together for once! Every time owner gives us new food though, we all fight

OCTOBER 19TH, 2021

Bluey: It’s rare to see my stomach feathers go over what I’m standing on, what what can I say? I just ate more than usual 🙂

OCTOBER 21st, 2021

Pear: Owner got this plastic egg, stuffed it with millet, and showed me how to use it!

OCTOBER 23rd, 2021

Mika: Owner tried to get the dirty spot on my forehead off but failed

OCTOBER 25TH, 2021

Angie: Look at how cool my stomach patterns are!

OCTOBER 27TH, 2021

Bluey: I’m in the cockatiel box now!

OCTOBER 29TH, 2021

Pear: It was unusually hot today, so owner sprayed me with a bunch of water!

OCTOBER 31st, 2021

Mika: Staying with Angie while waiting for millet!

November 2021

November 2nd, 2021

Angie: I flew away twice today; the humans found me fortunately! The protection in their house saved me

November 4th, 2021

Bluey: Something outside last night scared us, but it scared Mika the most (she bled)

November 6th, 2021

Pear: Mika’s blood splashed on me, so I think I scared my owners a ton

November 8th, 2021

Mika: My first time in Angie’s cage!


Angie: Watching owner work is fun!


Bluey: Owner is drawing me! I sometimes mistake it as another bird haha! She’s also sick and can’t talk much, so it’s up to the other birds and I to make noise in the house


Pear: There must be some millet in here…


Mika: This is my lamp and mine only!


Angie: I wonder if Bluey put the fluff on himself or owner did? Also, owner’s book “Birds Versus Chicks” is on Amazon now for $2.99 ! It says “kindle edition”, but you can just read it on the app as well! Link: 


Bluey: Don’t mess with me when I’m with Bubbles!

NOVEMBER 22nd, 2021

Pear: Owner’s brother returned from university! 🙂

NOVEMBER 24th, 2021

Mika: Standing on owner’s lego masterpiece!

NOVEMBER 26th, 2021

Angie: Hi everyone! Welcome to my workplace!

NOVEMBER 28th, 2021

Bluey: As said in May this year, owner is working on her very first bird memoir, and I’m so honored to be featured on her official book cover! She told me the reason for it: I was the first bird to come into her life and has changed her life for the better drastically!

NOVEMBER 30th, 2021

Pear: Standing here looking cute!

December 2021

December 2nd, 2021

Mika: Who’s watching a movie?

DECEMBER 4th, 2021

Angie: I’m in charge of getting supplies!

DECEMBER 6th, 2021

Bluey: Hang in there!


Pear: I suppose Angie isn’t that bad 🙂


Mika: Must eat


Angie: Mika got stuck in owner’s room because she fell from my bite… Sorry Mika! 🙁 At least owner saved her


Bluey: I love owner’s hair!


Pear: Hey! You’re in my space!


Mika: Why is there newspaper underneath and where did all the poop come from?!


Angie: See, owner? I can be with Mika!

DECEMBER 22nd, 2021

Bluey: Owner said that her new phone’s ability to take clearer photos make me look older, but I think it makes me look more handsome!

DECEMBER 24th, 2021

Pear: What’s Mika looking at up there?


Mika: Owner thought that that black line on my beak meant that I was sick, but really, it’s part of my pattern as I’m growing!


Angie: Flappity flap flap!


Bluey: Owner thought I was sick because I had yellow stuff on my face, but in reality, it was just from the colored oil she put in my pellets! (She used her highlighter for comparison and even thought that I wanted to be like Pear)


January 2022

January 1st, 2022

Pear: Owner has a surprise for everyone, but you’ll know about it soon 😉

January 3rd, 2022

Mika: Okay, the first surprise is that owner’s “Birds Versus Chicks” book is on Amazon in paperback! Yes, on the left is the picture of me wanting to read her book. Here’s the link (it costs $5.99)

Angie has another surprise

JANUARY 5th, 2022

Angie: First of all, Happy National Bird Day! Second, owner is writing a new book called “Dream with Birds (ongoing)” on Wattpad! Regarding “Oh My Bird (ongoing)”, she had decided to split it into two parts when it gets published on Amazon, but it’ll stay in one piece on Wattpad to avoid confusion. They’re the first three books in the “Chirping Lives” series, and the link to the third book is here: 


Bluey: I was just looking at her eating and wanted her to feed me- I also practiced my mating skills on my mirror in the cage!


Pear: Owner made a modification to Mika’s and I’s cage with this nesting box! I sometimes rest in there instead of doing my daily flying routine upstairs with her, but don’t tell her that! Anyway, winter break ended on Monday, but it was kind of ruined because of the constant rain, meaning that we couldn’t go outside! Today was different though; we finally did! 🙂

JANUARY 11TH, 2022

Mika: Tinky, our new natural friend!

JANUARY 13TH, 2022

Angie: Resting together! (and I have a feeling we’ll have baby birds soon!)

JANUARY 15TH, 2022

Bluey: Hey, don’t steal my food!

JANUARY 17TH, 2022

Pear: Ironic, yes. Mean, no

JANUARY 19TH, 2022

Mika: My poop is art!

JANUARY 21st, 2022

Angie: I chewed on it

JANUARY 23rd, 2022

Bluey: Owner’s published book “Birds Versus Chicks” got put into Wattpad’s reading list for published books for General, Humor, and Historical Fiction!

JANUARY 25TH, 2022

Pear: Singing to Ava!

JANUARY 27TH, 2022

Mika: He’s singing and dancing to me! 🙂

JANUARY 29TH, 2022

Angie: Sleeping with Bluey doo on the same perch!

February 2022

Feburary 1st, 2022

Bluey: Happy Lunar New Year!

FEBURARY 2nd, 2022

Pear: Hey there!

FEBURARY 4th, 2022

Mika: We’re doing it!

FEBURARY 6th, 2022

Angie: I have a fluff on my nose

FEBURARY 8th, 2022

Bluey: Owner got a huge mirror, so I decided to be the first to use it 


Pear: Ava 🙂


Mika: I love watching owner work


Angie: Happy Valentine’s Day, everybirdy!


Bluey: Angie is scaring me- 


Pear: A very important day is coming!


Mika: Now Pear and I are preening each other 🙂 By the way, the important day he was talking about was our birthday, which is today!

FEBURARY 22nd, 2022

Angie: Watching hooman work (also, 2/22/22)

FEBURARY 24th, 2022

Bluey: I’m just going to let her…steal Bubbles-

FEBURARY 26th, 2022

Pear: Me wanna play!

FEBURARY 28th, 2022

Bluey: Don’t disturb me

March 2022

March 2nd, 2022

Pear: I’m so beautiful!

March 4th, 2022

Bluey: I get excited when Pear plays with his toy

March 6th, 2022

Pear: Climbing to the top!

March 8th, 2022

Mika: I’ve been sick for the last week or so, but I’m recovering one step at a time!

MARCH 10TH, 2022

Bluey: Owner published her second book on Amazon called “Oh My Bird”! It’s the first one in a series called “Chirping Lives”, and it’s about the very beginning of her bird-owning journey 🙂

MARCH 12TH, 2022

Pear: Don’t you dare

MARCH 14TH, 2022

Mika: Owner’s book “Birds Versus Chicks” is in hardcover now, too! It’s on Amazon

MARCH 16TH, 2022

Bluey: Holding the page down for you!

MARCH 18TH, 2022

Pear: I’m standing on the paper like you asked me to-

MARCH 20TH, 2022

Mika: I’ve fully recovered! My weight decreased by a lot in the past two weeks or so, but I’ve gained them all back!

MARCH 22nd, 2022

Bluey: Me resting

MARCH 24th, 2022

Pear: Gonna make owner’s sweater full of dandruff!

MARCH 26th 2022

Mika: Yoshi!

MARCH 28th, 2022

Bluey: Love lettuce!

MARCH 30TH, 2022

Pear: Why hello there!

april 2022

April 1st, 2022

Mika: Happy April Fool’s Day! (no prank here though haha)

April 3rd, 2022

Bluey: No picture of me because Pear had been cutting off a quarter of the house-

April 5th, 2022

Pear: Owner published her third book on Amazon! It’s called “Added Bonus” in a series called “Chirping Lives”

APRIL 7TH, 2022

Bluey: Gonna just scratch my head on this

APRIL 9TH, 2022

Mika: I laid an egg! It’s underneath Pear though

APRIL 11TH, 2022

Bluey: Helping owner build legos!

APRIL 13TH, 2022

Pear: My crest is so long now

APRIL 15TH, 2022

Mika: I laid a total of four eggs!

APRIL 17TH, 2022

Bluey: Play with me!

APRIL 19TH, 2022

Pear: It’s fertile!

APRIL 21st, 2022

Mika: This one is too! The other two are also fertile, but owner didn’t take pictures of them

APRIL 23rd, 2022

Bluey: Owner’s book “Oh My Bird” won Book of the Month!

APRIL 25th, 2022

Pear: I’m doing work!

APRIL 27TH, 2022

Mika: We fed them a lot!

APRIL 29TH, 2022

Bluey: I’ve become an uncle!

May 2022

May 1st, 2022

Pear: While Mika is feeding, I’ll be keeping an eye on you

May 3rd, 2022

Mika: Ugh, you’re asking too many questions

MAY 5th, 2022

Bluey: I sometimes sneak a peak, but Pear’s there

MAY 7th, 2022

Pear: Here are Dodo and Rere! Mimi and Fafa are inside

MAY 8th, 2022

Mika: Happy Mother’s Day! I’m a mom now 🙂 Owner is holding Mimi

MAY 11H, 2022

Dodo: Getting scratchies from my grandparents

MAY 13TH, 2022

Rere: I’m indifferent about this formula, but Mimi seems to love it

MAY 15TH, 2022

Bluey: Don’t distract me

MAY 17TH, 2022

Pear: Owner made a sneak peak for her book “Birds Versus Chicks”: 

She also got accepted into the Ellipses Writing Program for Advanced Creative Nonfiction, and for the writing sample she had to submit, she used the first few chapters of “Oh My Bird”, yay!

MAY 19TH, 2022

Mika: Oh, look at all my babies! Rere (on the very left with the most open beak) always moves his tongue back and forth as fast as lightning

MAY 21st, 2022

Bluey: Hey, don’t stare at me, Hooman put Dodo too close, and it was getting awkward…me being their uncle-in-law. 

Just as a side note with Hooman’s current book that she is working on, she originally wanted it to be 70 chapters, which she now thinks is too long. Therefore, she is cutting it down the 30 and 40 chapter mark. Apparently, one reason is the page limit for hardcovers. The other is that she feels that she needs more time and reflection on what happened as it is quite recent. The main focus of this book is a new beginning with Mika-poo (the nickname I’m giving her just now 😉 ) after Pearl’s death

MAY 23rd, 2022

Pear: Hooman sometimes can’t even tell us apart!

MAY 25th, 2022

Mimi: I’m so pretty, aren’t I?

MAY 27th, 2022

Dodo: I got a blue one!

MAY 29th, 2022

Dodo: I don’t know what to do!

MAY 31st, 2022

Bluey: Reach for the seeds

June 2022

June 2nd, 2022

Mimi: Ugh, I have no idea why my mom wants to give her scratches so bad-

June 4th, 2022

Mika: Maybe hooman will let me out now…

June 6th, 2022

Pear: There’s gotta be a way out somehow!

JUNE 8TH, 2022

Fafa: I’m still sometimes scared of hooman’s phone

JUNE 10TH, 2022

Dodo: Working on my vocal cords

JUNE 12TH, 2022

Mimi: Don’t disturb me. I’m trying to take a nap

JUNE 14TH, 2022

Bluey: Acting nice

JUNE 16TH, 2022

Mika: Exploring time!

JUNE 19TH, 2022

Pear: Happy Father’s Day! I’m a dad

JUNE 20th, 2022

Rere: Waiting for millet (I ate it for the first time earlier)

JUNE 22nd, 2022

Dodo: According to Pear, we got a backpack upgrade!

JUNE 24TH, 2022

Fafa: Mwahahaha, all of this millet is mine

JUNE 26TH, 2022

Bluey: It’s my birthday along with hooman’s! We ran out of lettuce, so she gave me broccoli, seeds, and millet 🙂

JUNE 28TH, 2022

Mimi: I wanted to throw this feather into the trash, but Fafa doesn’t want to-

JUNE 30TH, 2022

Pear: The moment right before I drop the bead into hooman’s hand

JUly 2022

JUly 2nd, 2022

Rere: Standing on one of Bluey’s birthday toys

JUly 4th, 2022

Pear: I (on the left) look like a pineapple, just without the green. Happy 4th of July!

JULY 6TH, 2022

Bluey: Making sure hooman is studying

JULY 8TH, 2022

Mimi: First time outside today in the cage! We all deserve some millet

JULY 10TH, 2022

Mika: Quick, preserve the millet! Hooman says there aren’t any seeds, and we don’t have all the millet in the world

JULY 12TH, 2022

Bluey: A huge bird (probably a pelican or something of the like) flew to the window and looked inside! I and the other birds got so scared that we all hit the window, and my cere was bleeding 🙁 The other birds look fine but were shaking underneath a table

JULY 14TH, 2022

Pear: Calming down after such a scare with good ol’ millet

JULY 16TH, 2022

Rere: Still a little paranoid just like uncle-in-law (Bluey)- Also, the door was left open while hoomans went to get millet! I’m not sure how it happened

JULY 18TH, 2022

Dodo: Hoomans gave us some beads and millet sticks to play with 🙂

JULY 20TH, 2022

Bluey: Pear and I are leaders of the flock! However, I think Rere is slowly becoming one, too

JULY 22nd, 2022

Fafa: Hanging onto the ball

JULY 24th, 2022

Mika: Pear bit Fafa when he hopped over, wanting scratchies, so I gave him some

JULY 26TH, 2022

Mimi: I spent some time with hooman today in her office!

JULY 28TH, 2022

Bluey: We went to Malibu in an RV!

JULY 30TH, 2022

Dodo: We went to Malibu Creek State Park 🙂 It was quite hot, but hoomans sprayed us with water. Also, they went face-to-face with a snake, specifically, a California King Snake-

August 2022

August 1st, 2022

Bluey: Kiwi came over!

AUGUST 3rd, 2022

Mika unfortunately passed away…I saw through the camera that she drank a lot of water at night, and in the water, I put a few drops of medicine due to her droopy appearance the day before. That means that she could’ve died due to drinking too much of it, her kidneys failing on her, her being too exhausted from being sick once (March this year) and then having babies, or all of the above. Rest in Peace, Mika 🙁

AUGUST 5th, 2022

Dodo: Trying out some new kind of seeds! Hooman also made us some chop and only let us eat pellets from now on unless we were training

AUGUST 7th, 2022

Fafa: Me and my sister 🙂

AUGUST 9th, 2022

Mimi: Hooman made me wear this princess-y diaper thing, but now it’s harder to clean myself- Anyway, she also started a poetry collection (her first time trying poetry on a published scale): One poem every Saturday 🙂

AUGUST 11TH, 2022

Rere: Dodo bit me a little to keep an eye on the foreign object hooman put in front of us, but it was literally just her phone-

AUGUST 13TH, 2022

Bluey: Birds shouldn’t have a bow tie on

AUGUST 15TH, 2022

Dodo: Hooman published a new book on Amazon called “Dream with Birds”!

AUGUST 17TH, 2022

Pear: You’re getting a bit close to Ava, don’t you think?

AUGUST 19TH, 2022

Fafa: According to hoomans, I’m a Starbucks worker

AUGUST 21st, 2022

Dodo: I’m Superman, saving hoomans’ lives by understanding how this temperature thing works

AUGUST 23rd, 2022

Pear: Grinding my beak!

AUGUST 25th, 2022

Rere: My head is becoming yellow!

AUGUST 27th, 2022

Mimi: Hooman, gimme some string!

AUGUST 29th, 2022

Bluey: Dodo flew away…

AUGUST 31st, 2022

Starting to bond more with hoomans!

September 2022

september 2nd, 2022

Pear: Hoomans don’t understand us well actually. I mean, I may look nice, but I end up biting

SEPTEMBER 4th, 2022

Mimi: It rained pretty hard here, but it’s sunny again 🙂

SEPTEMBER 6th, 2022

Luna: My previous owners have to move to a smaller home, so I’m in a new home!


Bluey: I get excited when there are vegetables! Also, the hoomans saw Dodo with a bunch of ravens eating in the grass near a university about four miles away from our house!


Rere: I passed away due to coccidiosis… The hoomans think that is why Pearl and Mika died, too 🙁


Mimi: Totally not doing anything


Bluey: Creating holes in lettuce


Regina: I like to eat sideways and am nocturnal. Everyone is kind of getting used to it


Fafa: Singing while my dad looks at Ava


Bluey: Anything to get to Bubbles

SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2022

Pear: Getting ready to drive to my driver position!

SEPTEMBER 24th, 2022

Luna: I turned out to be a male, so my name is now Lucas! Scritching my head on my cage


Regina: When flying, I accidentally bumped my cere against the cage 🙁


Mimi: Regardless of how mean I may seem, I’m always kind to my brother Fafa


Pear: Hoomans got us flat perches to rest our feet 🙂

October 2022

October 2nd, 2022

Fafa: I love it when I get to eat with my sister

October 4th, 2022

Bluey: Owner got a few interviews up!


Mimi: I can somewhat use my feet to help me play and eat!


Lucas: Eating with Mimi! (Not pictured: We also tried walnuts for the first time, and it was so yummy!)

OCTOBER 10TH, 2022

Mimi: I bit this toy so much that it became somewhat of a spring!

OCTOBER 12TH, 2022

Regina: The closest we’ve been without biting!

OCTOBER 14TH, 2022

Lucas: Chewing on lettuce like Bluey!

OCTOBER 16TH, 2022

Fafa: I got a blood feather, but it fell out while I was flying. Flour helped stop the bleeding

OCTOBER 18TH, 2022

Pear: Letting Mimi scratch me! I let Fafa, too

OCTOBER 20TH, 2022

Bluey: Picking up after myself!

OCTOBER 22nd, 2022

Lucas: Am I angry or not?

OCTOBER 24TH, 2022

Regina: Lucas has been helping hooman train me and showing me that the millet she holds is edible and safe

OCTOBER 26TH, 2022

Bluey: Hooman shaped binoculars, and it looked like googly eyes!

OCTOBER 28TH, 2022

Lucas: Hoomans tell me I can be the drummer of the group

OCTOBER 30TH, 2022

Mimi: You gotta stand in the weirdest of all places

November 2022

November 1st, 2022

Bluey: Munch away!

NOVEMBER 3rd, 2022

Lucas: First time the hoomans saw me with a feather in my beak

NOVEMBER 5th, 2022

Fafa: I had a blood feather that kept poking me, but hoomans helped me 

NOVEMBER 7th, 2022

Regina: Bluey helped tame me, so I can eat on hooman’s hand now!


Lucas: Happy that I got out!


Pear: Scratch me-


Mimi: Went to Lucas’ cage for a change!


Pear: Whenever I’m angry, millet calms me down


Regina: Eating from hooman’s hand


Bluey: The first to reach the broccoli!

NOVEMBER 21st, 2022

Mimi: Hooman got us a tree stand!

NOVEMBER 23rd, 2022

Fafa: We also got water dispensers!

NOVEMBER 24th, 2022

Pear: Happy Thanksgiving!

NOVEMBER 27th, 2022

Bluey: We even got a computer!

NOVEMBER 29th, 2022

Lucas: Hanging on and listening to the rain!

December 2022

December 1st, 2022

Mimi: Father and daughter love 🙂

DECEMBER 3rd, 2022

Pear: Why does Felix have my feathers on his head?

DECEMBER 5th, 2022

Regina: I flew out to the food bowl first hehe


Bluey: Finally she’s out


Mimi: Got my chance too


Fafa: I got to eat some lettuce 🙂


Lucas: Singing and hitting my beak on the cage!


Regina: Standing on the top of the cage along with Bluey!


Bluey: Come play with beads and puzzles with me!


Pear: I learned to use the water dispenser!

DECEMBER 21st, 2022

Mimi: I finally got my turn, too

DECEMBER 23rd, 2022

Fafa: I’m not sure if I want to be in this photo-


Lucas: Hoomans got us all a new toy, so I chewed it up real good


Pear: Puzzling Pear


Mimi: Exploring with Fafa hopping around behind me

DECEMBER 31st, 2022

Regina: Hoomans returned from their trip to Maui


January 2023

January 2nd, 2023

Bluey: Helping hooman sort out mini Connect 4!

JANUARY 4th, 2023

Mimi: Got a chance to go into Bluey’s cage and play with this toy!

JANUARY 6th, 2023

Fafa: Hooman got the Editor in Chief position of a club she’s in!

JANUARY 8th, 2023

Bluey: I chewed on this toy while the hoomans were in Maui, but it fell

JANUARY 10th, 2023

Regina: This is my flat perch

JANUARY 12TH, 2023

Mimi: Hooman says I have a line down my stomach, but I’m just relaxed-

JANUARY 14TH, 2023

Bluey: Always nomming!

JANUARY 16TH, 2023

Fafa: I was sick with coccidiosis but am okay now 🙂

JANUARY 18TH, 2023

Bluey: Hooman got me a new mirror wheel toy

JANUARY 20TH, 2023

Lucas: Hoomans gave me scratches for the first time

JANUARY 22nd, 2023

Hooman’s friend gave this toy to me, and I love it!

JANUARY 24th, 2023

Pear: Hooman caught how I escape the curtains

JANUARY 26TH, 2023

Bluey: There was an earthquake, so I’m hiding

JANUARY 28TH, 2023

Regina: We had a total of four earthquakes together, and the cockatiels lost 12 long feathers!

JANUARY 30TH, 2023

Bluey: We had cooked vegetables, but my favorite ones are corn and green peas

February 2023

February 1st, 2023

Regina: I have this whole bowl to myself

February 3rd, 2023

Lucas: I tap, you tap

February 5TH, 2023

Pear: Hoomans wouldn’t believe I’m eating healthy stuff two years ago

February 7TH, 2023

Bluey: Molting after a few months!


Pear: Taking a math after many months!


Regina: I found my new favorite foods: green beans and popcorn (unflavored)!


Lucas: I was really nice today 🙂


Mimi: Playing with Regina’s toy


Bluey: It’s usually me who teaches Regina, but this time, it’s the other way around!


Regina: Chillin’ with Bluey!

FEBRUARY 21st, 2023

Pear: It was my fourth birthday yesterday!

FEBRUARY 23rd, 2023

Lucas: It was my third birthday on the same day as Pear’s!

FEBRUARY 25th, 2023

Regina: We tried pumpkin for Pear’s and Lucas’ birthdays!

FEBRUARY 27th, 2023

Bluey: No idea how this fluff got onto my head

March 2023

March 1st, 2023

Pear: Standing behind the camera

March 3rd, 2023

Regina: I bit hooman

March 5TH, 2023

Pear: Angry because hooman decided to train me while I ate

March 7TH, 2023

Regina: Listening to the rain

MARCH 9TH, 2023

Bluey: Who’ll eat first?

MARCH 11TH, 2023

Pear: Why are you watching me eat?

MARCH 13TH, 2023

Regina: Standing with Pear!

MARCH 15TH, 2023

Bluey: Moment before I jump onto hooman’s phone!

MARCH 17TH, 2023

Mimi: Don’t they know I might poop on them?

MARCH 19TH, 2023

Bluey: It has been so long since we’ve been able to come outside due to the harsh weather

MARCH 21st, 2023

Lucas: Climbed on hooman today!

MARCH 23rd, 2023

Fafa: Becoming familiar to this carrot toy!

MARCH 25th, 2023

Regina: Rawr!

MARCH 27th, 2023

Bluey: Where’d you come from?

MARCH 29TH, 2023

Regina: Slippin’ on food

MARCH 31st, 2023

Pear: Which food should I eat?

April 2023

April 2nd, 2023

Bluey: Taking a moment to pose for the camera

April 4th, 2023

Regina: Watch me dive in!

APRIL 6TH, 2023

Bluey: Hooman had light blue eyeshadow on, so we matched!

APRIL 8TH, 2023

Lucas: I was itchy, but now my crest is not centered-

APRIL 10TH, 2023

Regina: Hooman has published her debut poetry collection “Bent Path”!



APRIL 12TH, 2023

Bluey: Seeds stuck on my beak doesn’t matter. What matters is that I reached hooman first

APRIL 14TH, 2023

Lucas: I like it here. I’ll preen here so that hooman can’t move

APRIL 16TH, 2023

Pear: Hanging out with my buddies before it gets cold!

APRIL 18TH, 2023

Lucas: Hooman says I like extremely fluffy, but in reality, I just wanna sleep

APRIL 20TH, 2023

Bluey: The irony of us birds! People think we’re messy eaters, but we clean up the mess, too

APRIL 22nd, 2023

Lucas: I climbed onto hooman three times for scratchies

APRIL 24TH, 2023

Regina: Pear is singing and dancing to Fafa, weird

APRIL 26TH, 2023

Bluey: One day the weather here is like winter and another day is like summer-

APRIL 28TH, 2023

Lucas: Can I come out?

APRIL 30TH, 2023

Mimi: It’s Fafa and I’s first birthday!

May 2023

May 2nd, 2023

Pear: Making sure no food is wasted!

May 4th, 2023

Lucas: We ran out of pellets before, but we have some now!

May 6th, 2023

Bluey: Wherever Regina is, I’m there

May 8th, 2023

Regina: I follow Bluey

MAY 10TH, 2023

Lucas: I learned a few tunes from Pear and am now singing it to Mimi

MAY 12TH, 2023

Pear: I met the same person who first taught hoomans how to tame me for grooming!

MAY 14TH, 2023

Mimi: Happy Mother’s Day!

MAY 16TH, 2023

Lucas: Loving hooman giving me scratchies!

MAY 18TH, 2023

Buey: Got something stuck on me-

MAY 20TH, 2023

Regina: I don’t like things hovering over me

MAY 22nd, 2023

Mimi: I want to go on a walk!

MAY 24th, 2023

Lucas: Even though one of my feet are deformed, I can still rest on it!

MAY 26th, 2023

Pear: Don’t ask me why there’s a fluff on my crest-

MAY 28th, 2023

Regina: Standing on the rock that everyone chews on

MAY 30th, 2023

Mimi: I found the secret stash of seeds!

june 2023

june 1st, 2023

Regina: Sifting through food!

June 3rd, 2023

Lucas: Finding the leaves I dropped!

June 5th, 2023

Pear: Kiko came over while hooman was in Ohio!

JUNE 7TH, 2023

Mimi: Should I wait for hooman to come back or eat?

JUNE 9TH, 2023

Bluey: Waiting for hooman to open the cage door for me!

JUNE 11TH, 2023

Regina: Who are you?

JUNE 13TH, 2023

Bluey: Waiting for hoomans to finish building an AI birdhouse!

JUNE 15TH, 2023

Lucas: Hooman saw an Austral Blackbird sleeping when she was hanging out with one of her friends!

JUNE 17TH, 2023

Regina: Hooman decided to leave us at home 🙁 but she visited one of her friends, who has birds, too

JUNE 19TH, 2023

Lucas: Don’t come near Mimi!

JUNE 21st, 2023

Mimi: Why can’t Fafa join Lucas and I in this cage?

JUNE 23rd, 2023

Regina: Sunbathing!

JUNE 25TH, 2023

Mimi: Why are the leaves so far away?

JUNE 27TH, 2023

Bluey: It’s my fifth birthday!

JUNE 29TH, 2023

Mimi: Lucas hates this toy, but I love it!

JUly 2023

JUly 1st, 2023

Pear: Are you going to open the cage door or what?

JUly 3rd, 2023

Bluey: Don’t distract me when I’m eating

JULY 5th, 2023

Pear: Can I come out?

JULY 7th, 2023

Bluey: I’m molting with a wet, prickly head

JULY 9th, 2023

Lucas: Ugh, I hate this paper!

JULY 11th, 2023

Bluey: Self love is important!

JULY 13TH, 2023

Fafa: How do I move around this water?

JULY 15TH, 2023

Pear: I flew out of the cage and don’t want to go back in

JULY 17TH, 2023

Mimi: Are you going to let me out or let me eat?

JULY 19TH, 2023

Fafa: My kabob

JULY 21st, 2023

Lucas: Trying to break in

JULY 23rd, 2023

Bluey: Bathing in the scorching hot weather!

JULY 25th 2023

Pear: Hooman’s mom’s friend’s cockatiel laid eight eggs, so she gave four to Mimi and I. Mimi was confused though.

JULY 27TH 2023

Bluey: Hooman’s friend is on vacation, so her birds came to visit!

JULY 29TH 2023

Regina: Chillin’ with Bluey!

JULY 31st 2023

Pear: Somehow, one of the infertile eggs cracked. We were so excited but ended up burying it

august 2023

august 2nd 2023

Regina: I’m going to become an aunt! Mimi and Pear laid two eggs of their own!

august 4th 2023

Pear: Mimi and I are working hard on incubating these eggs!

august 6th 2023

Bluey: Hooman came out with another book! It’s on Amazon: 


Pear: Mimi and I decided to bury this egg because it was cracked even though it was infertile. Hoomans thought we killed the “bird” inside…

AUGUST 10TH 2023

Mimi: I laid four eggs of my own (only one pictured)

AUGUST 12TH 2023

Bluey: The first bird hatched!

AUGUST 14TH 2023

Regina: I’m an aunt now!

AUGUST 16TH 2023

Pear: Feeding Snowy (the name of the baby bird) with Mimi!

AUGUST 18TH 2023

Mimi: Snowy is learning how to incubate eggs!

AUGUST 20TH 2023

Bluey: While the house is being renovated, I’m the only one who can come out of the cage and return without any issues

AUGUST 22nd 2023

Pear: Training Snowy Jr.’s leg strength!

AUGUST 24th 2023

Snowy: Who are these birds?

AUGUST 26th 2023

Mimi (not pictured): Hoomans giving me a break from feeding!

AUGUST 28th 2023

Snowy Jr.: I’m 97 grams now!

AUGUST 30TH 2023

Unnamed: I have a pending name, but I’m 62 grams!

september 2023

September 1st 2023

Unnamed: I’m unnamed as now, too, but I’m 40 grams!

SEPTEMBER 3rd 2023

Coco: I’m 12 grams!

SEPTEMBER 5th 2023

Snowy: Working on my beak strength!


Pear: Snowy at MiaoDonald’s!


Lucas: Singing to Snowy!


Coco: Fighting for food with siblings!


Pear: I need to find a way in!


Snowy: Hanging out with hooman playing Hay Day!


Unnamed: Are you gonna feed us or what?


Unnamed: I love playing with lettuce!

SEPTEMBER 21st 2023

Unnamed: Standing next to my sister!

SEPTEMBER 23rd 2023

Unnamed: You’re just gonna leave me here?


Snowy: Working on my biting skills


Coco: Just chillin’


Unnamed: Hooman’s scared I’ll be mischievous hehe

october 2023

october 1st 2023

Unnamed: Make sure to do your morning stretches!

October 3rd 2023

Bluey: Can Regina come out, too?

OCTOBER 5th 2023

Coco: Eating with my siblings!

OCTOBER 7th 2023

Bluey: Are you staring at me because I’m so cute?

OCTOBER 9th 2023

Gigi: I just wanted Pear to scratch me 🙁


Bluey: Excited to spend the day with hooman!


Regina: Hooman found a cute wild bird trying to steal her food


Bluey: Hooman is hiding from the mosquito with me by her side


Bluey: I’m the only bird not sleeping!


Regina: What are you staring at?

OCTOBER 21st 2023

Gigi: Resting…

OCTOBER 23rd 2023

Bluey: I can see you…

OCTOBER 25th 2023

Pear: Hooman went on a field trip to an aquarium and saw lorikeets!

OCTOBER 27th 2023

Bluey: I’m molting…

OCTOBER 29th 2023

Lucas: Hooman got to feed ’em, too!

OCTOBER 31st 2023

Pear: You’re not supposed to find me!

November 2023

november 2nd 2023

Gigi: Must get millet!

november 4th 2023

Coco: Late at night with hooman!

november 6th 2023

Bluey: Gotta reach for the millet!


Pear: You gonna let me out?


Regina: Best angle to eat!


Bluey: Love listening to music with hooman!


Lucas: I finally went into my cage after two nights out because there was hardly any food around


Bluey: My keyboard!


Rosy: Love playing with random things human give me such as bobby pins!


Lucas: Another owner wants me, but hoomans will still visit me!

NOVEMBER 22nd 2023

Regina: Where’s Bluey? (he went out with hooman)

NOVEMBER 24th 2023

Snowy: It’s cold outside yet it’s sunny-


Lucas: The new hoomans got a budgie, but now I’m jealous 🙁


Bluey: I’m trying to sleep


Coco: We always stick together!

december 2023

December 2nd 2023

Fafa: What are they doing?

december 4TH 2023

Bluey: Love my toy!


Mimi: Found the seeds!


Snowy: Wait for me!


Bluey: Don’t mind the seed on my beak