
Parrots are messy creatures, but it’s extremely important to clean their cages once a week. This is because dirty cages can cause them serious health problems. Us humans would also like to live in a spotless place instead of a garbage can, so treat birds as living creatures, not as decoration. 


Absolutely do not use household cleaners and disinfectants (and disinfectant wipes) in the same room as your bird because those are chemicals, so they’re very deadly to them. These can include clorox wipes, window cleaners, and lysol, but there are so many more. 


Well, if I can’t use those, how should I clean it?

  1. Take everything out of cage
  2. Wash it (I use my garden hose)
  3. Spray it with a cage disinfectant (you can buy these at bird/pet stores) – you can also search up ways to make a cleaning solution online
  4. Rinse with water
  5. Let air-dry
  6. Put everything back in cage
  7. Put bird in

Also, for the bottom of their cage, there’s a slot to put newspaper in to catch all the droppings. Even with the help of that though, your bird may poop elsewhere