Meet the flock


Bluey is a five-year-old American blue budgie who is obedient but can be a little too crazy at times. He likes to jump onto my phone when I’m taking a picture of him and he follows me around. However, he hates it when I change his food because I suppose he thinks I’m stealing it; he bites me.


Pearl is a one-year-old pied cockatiel who is selfish. She loves to go on me just for scratchies; and if I don’t give her any, she bites me. She also likes to be the only one in pictures (if the other birds come, she’ll shoo them away). Similar to Bluey, she hates it when people take her food away, especially if it’s treats. Then, she hisses at me until I’m out of her sight. She unfortunately passed away due to her overly brave self and me letting her bite whatever she wants off the floor.


Pear is a four-year-old lutino cockatiel who’s stubborn and unpredictable. He likes it when I scratch him but hates me when I enter “their” (Pear and Pearl’s) territory (then, he charges at me).


Lemon is a two-month old lutino cockatiel who’s too gentle and came home unknowingly sick. He sadly passed away due to it.


Mika is a two-year old whiteface silver cockatiel who is a little shy at the moment because she’s new. She’s also slow-acting and gets along well with Pear while bites Bluey when he didn’t do anything. We don’t know the exact cause of her death, but the most likely one is because of her being too tired after being sick once and then immediately having baby birds.


Angie is a three-year old budgie and has been a caged bird her entire life until she came into this household. Without seeing a single budgie in her lifetime there, she fought everyone off, except for Bluey. She gets obsessed with him! Nevertheless, her old owner wanted her back.


Dodo is a gray cockatiel, who is extremely calm but learns tactics quickly. He unfortunately flew away though is hanging out with the wild birds.


Rere is a three-month-old gray cockatiel who likes to chew on my hair lightly. However, he passed away due to coccidiosis.


Mimi is a one-year-old lutino cockatiel, and she copies and learns a lot from Pear, her dad. Once she sees food, she thinks it is her food and her food only until she finishes.


Fafa is a one-year-old pied cockatiel, who likes to fly and jump around to different cages. He is very active. 


Lucas, a two-year-old cockatiel, recently lost a friend at his previous owner’s house and is quite cranky. He (we thought he was a she) is protective of his cage every time I come near it or clean it.


Regina is a rubino bourke parakeet and wants to fly out of her backpack like the other birds. Nevertheless, I need to train her to step up before she can fly around.


Gigi is a 7-month cockatiel and is the most tame cockatiel and loves head scratches.


Rosy is a 7-month cockatiel and is the most “crazy” and playful of the bunch. One moment she’ll eat millet from your hand, the next moment she’ll try to bite your hand off.


Coco is a 7-month cockatiel and his favorite thing to do is flip things over and throw them on the floor moreso than other birds.


Snowy is a 7-month cockatiel that we adopted when he was still in an egg and he gives off dinosaur vibes.